Access Keys:

St Martin's Nursery School, Monagh Link, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

1st Oct 2021
Some hints and tips to make this October an outstanding one!
1st Oct 2021
We picked 5 books each to take home and read with our family.
1st Oct 2021
The children enjoyed making playdough today. We measured out the ingredients, and...
1st Oct 2021
There has been lots of exciting changes to our Outdoor Environment during recent...
23rd Sep 2021
We loved our first Jump, Jiggle and Jive Session today. We had great fun dancing...
22nd Sep 2021
Support for any parent dealing with separation.
21st Sep 2021
We had lots of fun outside in the sunshine
13th Sep 2021
We enjoyed our First Dinner today in school.
10th Sep 2021
We are enjoying snack with our friends.