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St Martin's Nursery School, Monagh Link, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

1st Feb 2022
Today we ere developing our throwing and catching and ball control skills with Coach...
28th Jan 2022
Today we made delicious Hot Chocolate on a cold Winter's Day!
27th Jan 2022
At our Mindfulness session today we practiced Gratitude and worked with different...
26th Jan 2022
We are learning together, looking after each other and being the best of friends...
25th Jan 2022
We were exercising and having fun in the Winter sun.
21st Jan 2022
We have been so busy in St Martin's learning all about the season of Winter, about...
20th Jan 2022
Mr Hullabaloo was back in the Nursery with Bobbin the Bear and friends to tell us...
19th Jan 2022
We had a brilliant physical development session with our new Coach Paul.
14th Jan 2022
We are having so much fun playing outside in the Winter sun
11th Jan 2022
We are learning all about Winter.  We are looking at Winter weather, talking...