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St Martin's Nursery School, Monagh Link, Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

1st Jun 2022
We have been learning about robots; we have been building, modelling and creating...
1st Jun 2022
Here are some ideas to help you make sure your June is filled with joy!
31st May 2022
During todays session we used our Senses practice our relaxation and breathing techniques.
27th May 2022
We had a fun filled storytelling session with Mr Hullabaloo and friends.
25th May 2022
We were singing some Jungle songs today while playing drums with Joe.
24th May 2022
Today we were developing our throwing skills with Coach Paul.  We were launching...
24th May 2022
We are learning all about animals that live in the jungle and rainforests. 
23rd May 2022
We were very excited when our caterpillars arrived in Nursery. We cannot wait to...
19th May 2022
Our Jump, Jiggle and Jive session was outside in the summer sun.
19th May 2022
This month we have been celebrating Jesus' Mummy Mary.  We have been visiting...