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St Martin's Nursery School, Monagh Link, Belfast

News - Miss Keown's Class

2021/2022 School Year

21st Sep 2021
We had lots of fun outside in the sunshine
13th Sep 2021
We enjoyed our First Dinner today in school.
10th Sep 2021
We are enjoying snack with our friends.
27th Aug 2021
We had a great first week in Nursery. We enjoyed exploring all the activities, and...

2020/2021 School Year

28th Jun 2021
We loved dancing with our favourite Teddy Bears today during Jump, Jiggle and Jive!
25th Jun 2021
We had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine watching Mr Hullaballoo's End of Year...
23rd Jun 2021
Today we ordered an ice cream from the Ice Cream Van. We were delighted by this...
22nd Jun 2021
We loved Catherine's visit to our school today with her animals.